Back pain comes in various forms and severities, and that’s because there are numerous injuries that can occur in and around it. One of the most common reasons to visit a chiropractor is because of back pain, and in many cases, the pain is due to a herniated disc.  But how do you know if you have a herniated disc? 

Today, we’ll go over:

  • What a disc herniation is
  • Who can get a disc herniation
  • How disc herniations happen
  • Chiropractic solutions that heal herniated discs
  • And more

Let’s get started…

What’s a Herniated Disc?

To understand the nature of a herniated disc, you need to know the nature of the spine.

The spine is a complex structure with immense capabilities. It supports almost all of our movements and provides stability and overall balance to our bodies. 

The structure runs from the neck down the back and into the lower back. It’s made of bones called vertebrae, and each is separated by a disc that serves as a shock absorber and cushion, keeping the bones from rubbing together. 

Inside the disc is a soft center, and when that center pushes through its hard casing, the result is called disc herniation.  

Symptoms of Spinal Disc Herniation

The spine helps us walk, run, bend, twist, and jump, among other things. After disc herniation, these movements may become challenging or impossible due to the pressure on nerves and other soft tissues in and around the spine. 

Some symptoms of a herniated disc include: 

  • Arm and leg pain (usually not together)
  • Weakness in the back
  • Stiffness in the back
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Low back pain
  • Throbbing, dull, or stabbing pain in the back
  • Radiating or moving pain
  • Loss of sleep
  • Mental stress
  • Inability to focus or perform
  • Inability to participate in physical activity
  • And more

Who Suffers from Disc Herniations

Anyone can experience disc herniation, whether you lead an active or passive lifestyle, work in a physical field or at a desk, and at any age. 

Common patients who experience disc herniations include:

  • Those involved in an auto injury 
  • Those in a sporting accident 
  • Older patients 
  • Those with physically demanding jobs
  • Those with impaired spinal alignment 

Reasons for getting disc herniations include: 

  • Regular wear and tear of the spine
  • Disc degeneration
  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive motions that involve the spine 
  • Improper lifting practices 
  • Extreme twisting 

In most cases, it’s not one sudden event that causes your disc herniation but something that manifests over time through improper movement patterns. 

A well-versed chiropractor can help end the back pain your herniation is causing using non-invasive, natural methods to realign the spine and heal the injury.

Chiropractic Care to Treat Herniated Discs 

Chiropractic care is considered extremely safe and effective at repositioning the injured disc and relieving the pressure put on areas ill-equipped to handle it. 

Chiropractic services to treat your spine include:

  • Chiropractic adjustment- the most common solution that utilizes a swift, controlled thrust to the affected area to realign and restore spinal function
  • Activator Technique- using a handheld device to help align and rebalance the injured area
  • Dry needling- inserting tiny needles into the skin above impaired areas will restore the injured soft tissues around the herniation 
  • Functional rehabilitation therapy and corrective exercises- promote body safety and strength to complement other chiropractic treatments 
  • And more

Visit Our San Antonio Chiropractic Clinic 

If you’re suffering from back pain and unsure what steps to take, we invite you to visit our clinic. We will fully assess your spine and musculoskeletal system to determine the source of your discomfort. 

Our solutions for disc herniations are reliable and proven; you can trust us to get your spine functioning at its best. We’re experienced in providing the optimal plan for your unique needs. 

Let’s get started; contact us today