Finding Lasting Relief from Disc Herniations

Finding Lasting Relief from Disc Herniations

Finding Lasting Relief from Disc Herniations September 20, 2017 Bottom Line:So, you’ve suffered a disc herniation, and it’s causing severe pain. Do you need an injection or surgery? What type of doctor should you see? Can a Chiropractor make it…worse? These are all...
Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound?

Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound?

Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound? September 20, 2017 Bottom Line:It’s difficult to find a single sporting event where you won’t see an athlete wearing colorful tape somewhere on their body. You may have wondered what it is, and more importantly what it’s used...
Foam Rolling: It Hurts So Good

Foam Rolling: It Hurts So Good

Foam Rolling: It Hurts So GoodSeptember 20, 2017 Bottom Line:Foam rolling has exploded in popularity over the past few years. No longer used only by athletes and trainers, foam rolling (or myofascial release) is now used by people at all levels of fitness. The goal of...
Dynamic Stretching: A New Way to Feel Better

Dynamic Stretching: A New Way to Feel Better

Dynamic Stretching: A New Way to Feel Better   September 20, 2017 Bottom Line: You’ve probably been told many times that you should stretch before a workout. We advise against this idea because static stretching is boring and stretching cold muscles can lead to...